The flu virus thrives in cold, dry air
The flu virus is tough, surviving longest in cold, dry conditions after somebody has coughed or sneezed. These same conditions also weaken our defenses, since they dry out the moisture and natural mucus in our nose, allowing the viruses to enter our bodies more easily. Dry nostrils are not able to trap and expel the invading organisms efficiently, leaving you and your family more susceptible to the flu.
The role of whole-house humidification
The ideal relative humidity for your home year round is 35 to 55 percent, but in winter this can be difficult to achieve. A whole-house humidification system introduces moisture into the air that's heated by the furnace. The forced air from the furnace passes through a hydrated panel which enables ideal relative humidity levels to be delivered to each room in the house.
How to keep your family flu-free
Having a well-maintained heating and whole-house humidification system will make your home environment hostile for bacteria and viruses. This will reduce the chances of your family catching a whole host of infections, including the flu.
For more information on whole-house humidification or any other HVAC issues, contact the professionals at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We understand how difficult it is to maintain a healthy environment in your house during the winter. We proudly serve the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning serves the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts. . Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!
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