Winning the Fight Against Pollen
Consider these tips to reduce the presence of pollen in your home:
- Pollen can be tracked in on your shoes. Use doormats at all entrances and take your shoes off when entering your home.
- After performing yard work, remove your clothing immediately after entering your home. Wash your clothes right away instead of putting your clothes in the hamper.
- Wash your hair before going to bed. Throughout the day, your hair acts as a pollen magnet and once you go to bed; it will be transferred to your pillows.
- Pets that spend time outdoors can track pollen throughout your home. Wipe your pet’s paws and brush their fur when they come inside.
- Empty your vacuum canister outdoors into a bag that will go directly into your garbage can instead of emptying into your indoor trashcan.
- Keep your windows and doors shut, especially during times of high pollen.
- Running your air conditioner will help improve the air quality in your home by removing pollen and other contaminants from the air.
Importance of Changing Filters
Once pollen has entered your home, it can be recirculated through your heating and cooling system if not properly maintained. A clogged filter will allow pollen to enter your system and lessen your system’s efficiency. You can avoid this from happening by making sure to change your system’s air filter every month. By switching to a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter, you can remove even more pollen from the air.
For more information on how to keep pollen out of the home and improve the indoor air quality in your 495/128 area of Massachusetts home, contact the experts at Rodehiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.
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