Not switching on: If you recently changed the thermostat, ensure it is for a heat pump. Ensure that the thermostat is set to the right setting. If you switched the thermostat to emergency setting, most heat pumps will only work right after 15 minutes. Turn off the breakers, wall unit switch, and the main outside breaker switch. Wait about 30 minutes and turn all switches on again. Turn on the wall switch last. If the above is fine, check to see if the heat pump is receiving any power by checking the electrical circuit switches that protect the electrical circuits providing power. Turn them off and back to on. If one trips, call a heat pump expert.
Does not heat or cool right: Ensure the thermostat is set properly. Ensure that the egisters are open as this is often forgotten when seasons change. Check the filter; another filter must replace a clogged filter. Clean the outdoor unit’s coils. If it still is not heating right, call your heat pump repair specialist.
Ice on the heat pump: Any moisture in the air will cause the coils to freeze. The more humid it is outside, the more frost will form on the unit. A heat pump does have a defrost cycle built-in, so it should melt away. If the ice does not go away and continues to get thicker, the defrost system has a fault and call a specialist.
Noisy: If your heat pump is noisy, check that all loose panels are fastened properly. Grinding and squealing sounds are not good. Switch off the heat pump and call a technician immediately.
For expert heat pump troubleshooting and cooling advice, call Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We serve the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts.
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