By investing your time at the beginning of heating season, you can look forward to a more efficient, reliable level of comfort while spending less money on energy and repairs. Take a look at our home heating checklist for some great ideas to get you started.
- Change your filter. A dirty air filter decreases efficiency, while placing extra wear and tear on your equipment. Check the furnace filter monthly and change it as soon as dirt appears, or at least every three months.
- Get with the program. Check your thermostat settings to ensure maximum efficiency during the cooler months, and consider installing a programmable thermostat to save even more. Set the unit a few degrees lower while away or asleep and a few degrees higher 30 minutes prior to arrival or awakening.
- Call to schedule annual maintenance. No home heating checklist is complete without an annual maintenance checkup. Your HVAC contractor will perform a visual inspection, replace worn parts and clean and lubricate the equipment.
- Inspect your ducts. Perform a check on all exposed ductwork, looking for any breaks, cracks or gaps. Should you find any, repairs should be made using duct mastic or foil-backed tape but not duct tape, which may break down over time.
- Check for leaks. Air leaks around doors, windows, outlets or pipes leading to the outdoors can decrease your comfort and increase your energy bill. Seal any gaps with caulking or weatherstripping where appropriate.
- Replace your heating system. If your unit underperformed last winter or is more than 12 years old, it may be time to replace it with a new high efficiency furnace. An unreliable unit may leave you out in the cold when it’s much less convenient.
For help with your home heating checklist or any other home comfort concerns, call the experts at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We've been proudly serving the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts for more than 80 years.
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