It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not, because it’s the Energy Star label. Since 1992, the label has been synonymous with “high efficiency” in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry -- and more. Created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy, the Energy Star program designates those heating and cooling systems, appliances and electronics that meet strict efficiency standards.
These products have earned the Energy Star stamp of approval by undergoing rigorous testing, and with proven and impressive results: When properly sized and installed, Energy Star-qualified products can save homeowners as much as 20 percent on their annual heating and cooling bills. And that’s significant, especially when you consider that the average homeowner spends about $2,000 a year on heating and cooling.
So what can you count on when you look for the familiar logo – a star with a line overhead? All Energy Star products are known for their:
- Reliability
- Consistent temperatures
- Balanced humidity
- Proper, healthy airflow
- Quiet operation
To join the Energy Star lineup, the products must:
- Add up to significant energy savings nationwide
- Provide added energy efficiency
- Produce verifiable test results
- Allow purchasers to make up their investment through lower utility bills within a reasonable period of time
Unlike their sometimes wasteful predecessors, Energy Star-rated products not only save homeowners money but are “easy” on the environment, too. Consider:
- Energy Star-qualified air conditioners, depending on the model, can reach efficiency levels of up to 97 percent.
- Energy Star-rated window air conditioners use about 10 percent less energy than other air conditioners.
- Energy Star-approved air conditioners are quieter.
At Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we are our customers' -- located throughout the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts -- best advocate, which is why we are huge proponents of Energy Star-rated products. Still, we realize that homeowners face a somewhat crowded field of products. That's why we encourage you to call us -- so that we can help size up your home and help you choose the most efficient system so that you can start racking up those long-term savings right away.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about the Energy Star program and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
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