During our New England pollen season, sales of cold and sinus remedies rise with the amount of tiny spores floating in the air. There's little escaping it, other than taking some steps to make sure our homes are an escape from the onslaught outside. Pollen spores can be caught in our hair, on our clothes and we even track the tiny irritants inside on our shoes.

If your allergies seem to flare up in spring and summer, it is more than likely pollen is the culprit. If allergies can plague you at any time of year, it could be foods, pet dander, dust mites or chemical reactions. In these cases, it is best to check with a physician so you can target the exact problem.
There are a few simple steps to take that can help to allergy-proof the home and make sure that the pollen coming inside is dealt with effectively.
- Carpeting -- Anything that can hide pollen is a problem. Rugs and carpets are magnets for it. Vacuuming frequently will help reduce pollen bursting out from carpets as you step on it. Hardwood or tile are much easier surfaces to clean.
- Mats -- Outside door mats can reduce the amount on feet as we come inside. Keep them outside; inside mats simply help accumulate pollen.
- Air Filters -- Change your air filters at the beginning of pollen season. Better air flow with a fresh filter will help capture more of the allergens.
- Drapes -- Any fabrics such as drapes, carpeting or bed clothes attract pollen spores. Exchanging blinds for drapes will help. Allergy-proof your bedrooms by washing bedclothes at least once per week.
- Air Cleaners -- Another method to allergy-proof the home is by using a room or whole-house air cleaner. These capture spores very effectively. Room air cleaners should be used in occupied rooms. Whole-house cleaners take care of the entire home.
Having an allergy-proof home can get you through the season with fewer sneezes and sniffles. If you would like more information on how to have cleaner indoor air, contact us at Rodenhiser. Our quality air experts are always happy to help.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about indoor air quality and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning serves the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.