While some consumers researching their next heat pump purchase may be satisfied with finding a well-priced, Energy Star-qualified model, others comparing heat pumps are looking for more advanced features that will drive down their energy costs even more.
There's no question that these advanced features may be more costly at the outset, but the energy savings homeowners experience over the heat pump's lifetime are significant. Many of these options have the potential to pay for themselves in one season alone. Here's what to look for:
Two-speed compressors
All heat pumps have a compressor that controls the flow of heat through the system's refrigerant. Unlike traditional compressors that run at a constant rate of speed, two-speed compressors vary their speed to provide only what's needed at the time. Not only is there a reduction in system wear and tear, but less electricity is required as well. Your system will last longer while costing you less to operate.
Scroll compressors
These compressors are designed in the shape of a spiral. The design allows them to force refrigerant through the system faster and more efficiently than traditional compressors. The result? More heat for less energy. Add to that a longer life span than other compressors, and you've got a highly efficient, extremely attractive heat pump option.
Variable-speed fan motors
Conventional heat pumps have a fan motor that continuously cycles on and off throughout the day. Those with variable-speed motors, however, run continuously. By avoiding increased energy use caused by starting and stopping, these motors use less electricity over time. They also do a better job of circulating air throughout the home overall, and run much more quietly.
Need more options? The experts at Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can show you all of the latest heat pump technology. With 80 years of experience serving the Boston area, we can provide you with a solution to meet all of your heating and cooling needs. Contact us today.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about heat pumps and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Solutions Guide.
Heat pump image via Shutterstock